""" return display_x, display_y def _close ( self ): self. I guess, in theory, there are considerations (depending on how paranoid you want or need to be) in terms of collecting data for the same experiment on two different OS's and computer specifications, and combining the results when doing an analysis. """ return eyetracker_point, eyetracker_point def _displayToEyeTrackerCoords ( self, display_x, display_y ): """Converts a Display device point to MouseGaze position coordinate space. There is no issue technically with running an experiment that uses ioHub and switching between OS's the same is true of PsychoPy in general. _latest_sample def _eyeTrackerToDispla圜oords ( self, eyetracker_point = ()): """Converts MouseGaze positions to the Display device coordinate space. Then after a click, the position is no longer updated. For an iohub mouse, I seem to be unable to set the vertical position initially, but can move the mouse around. The code: mouse event.Mouse(newPos (-0.2,0.2), win screen). To meet these goals PsychoPy provides a choice of interface - you can use a simple graphical user interface called Builder, or write. Hello everybody, I have a problem in setting the mouse position using psychopy and Im searching for a solution. It aims to provide a single package that is: able to run experiments in a local Python script or online in JavaScript. If the last mouse tracker in a blink state, then this is set to None self. PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating experiments in behavioral science. _latest_sample = native_event_data return self. Start ioHub with the Mouse Simulated eye tracker. Start ioHub with the Mouse Simulated eye tracker:: from psychopy.iohub import launchHubServer from re import getTime, wait iohub_config = def _getIOHubEventObject ( self, native_event_data ): """The _getIOHubEventObject method is called by the ioHub Process to convert new native device event objects that have been received to the appropriate ioHub Event type representation.""" self. Class EyeTracker ( EyeTrackerDevice ): """ To start iohub with a Mouse Simulated eye tracker, add the full iohub device name as a kwarg passed to launchHubServer:: eyetracker.hw.mouse.EyeTracker Examples: A.